About Us

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LKB Nuclear...

              With over 20 years experience in Nuclear, Nuclear Medicine / PET, Biotech, Life Sciences, Academia, Mining, Pharmaceutical, Environmental, Defence and Homeland Security; LKB Nuclear has Head Offices based in Australia with locations in New Zealand, Indonesia, Fiji and China to support the South East Asia and Oceania Regions.

LKB Nuclear Australian Service and Support Centre can offer assistance with your LKB, EG&G, Wallac, Packard, Canberra, Beckman Liquid Scintillation Counters and Gamma Counters.

The longstanding LKB Nuclear-Hidex colaboration has greatly aided development of TDCR (Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio) Automated LSC. The greatest advantage of TDCR is the easy and straightforward method of obtaining counting efficiency of the samples without an internal standard source of radioactivity for pure Beta. It's small footprint compared to old (2) PMT Technology Counters allows the Instrument to be placed in-situ, from the Research Lab Bench, to Surface Ships, and even Submarines.

Our flagship C14, Carbon 14 Breath Test (Helicobacter Pylori / Urea Breath Test) can be performed on our LKB-Hidex SL-300 Automated Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) and is the Industry Standard for Automated Patient Results with on-line Proprietary Software and the added advantage of no invasive procedure requirements.

LKB Nuclear has a long Partnership with Tomtec USA. Offering 96 well Automated Cell Harvesters and Brandel Harvesters designed for use with the LKB- Hidex SENSE BETA +. The SENSE Multilabel counter with the Plate Reader options of TRF, Time Resolved Fluorescence, FL, Fluorescence, FP, Fluorescence Polarization, Lum, Luminescence, Flash & Glow with Injectors, UV-Vis, LSC, Liquid Scintillation Counting for all Radioactive Beta Counter capabilities. Pre-programmed windows for 3H, C14, P32, P33, S-35, I125 and any other isotope is available to the Library.

In addition, Tomtec Automation was paramount in the mapping of the 'Human Genome' with breakthough technologies such as: SPE, Solid Phase Extraction, Genomic, Proteomic, magnetic bead, Nano Technology and DBS (Dried Blood Spot).... all proven Technologies with the Tomtec Range.

Our Dedicated RIA Gamma Counter DREAM 1,5,10 Detector and LKB-Hidex AMG 3" Automated Nuclear Medicine Gamma Counter with in built Balance is a modern alternative to the LKB Gamma 1260, Packard Cobra, Wallac 1470 / 1480 and Perkin Elmer 2470 / 2480 Models. The AMG Gamma can be used for any Radioactive Isotope to 4000 KeV. The only instrument available in the world with an optional 4 MeV MCA extension.

Furthermore, Bandelin Ultrasonic, Ultrasonic Water Bath, Sonicator systems are a real asset to you Lab. Cleaning, degassing, manipulation of DNA Cells, Yeast etc with our Homogenizer range is straight forward.

For Lab Automation : Tomtec Liquid Handling Robots and Systems. For Research and HTS to UHTS applications in 96, 384, 1536 well SBS plates. The range includes an Automated Plate Sealer with stackers, Plate Washer, Plate Incubator, 5 Channel Automated Homogenizer System.

LKB Nuclear in Partnership with BSI offers a complete range of HPGe N-type and Planar Detectors with shield capability, SiLi Detectors (SXRD)(ElSiX), HPGe mobile Spectrometers, Borehole Gamma Spectrometers, MCA, Digital MCA, Automated Water Analysis Platforms for Radionuclides, Radioactive Waste Management Systems, HPGe Hand Held Spectrometers for Homeland Security.

An Isotope Removal Service to dispose the Internal Standard, such as Radium 226, Barium 133 when the 'Old Technology' Instrument is no longer required can also be offered.